September 12th, 2007

Club Obama Tonight. Metronome. Aloha.

by Philip Baruth

A very nice write-up of tonight’s (Wednesday’s) Club Obama event by Louis Porter in the Herald today. Porter cuts to the steak behind the sizzle: “The presidential primaries are still months away, but today several prominent Vermont politicians are expected to formally endorse Democratic candidate U.S. Sen. Barack Obama.”

obama, on the picket line

Indeed. Those politicians would be Attorney General Bill Sorrell, State Treasurer Jeb Spaulding, and former Burlington mayor Peter Clavelle. Any one of whom, we might add, could be giving us easily twice as much Governor for our money as we currently get.

But with all due respect to serious journalism, let’s not ignore the sizzle entirely, because the whole point of the event is to make politics fun again.

That’s right: The party tonight takes place at the Metronome, one of VDB’s favorite downtown night-spots, in the mythic space just above Nectar’s. Doors open at 5, but the main event won’t go down until 6:30 or so.

There is no cover. No one will put the arm on you for cash.

If you’re only Obama-curious, no one will judge you.

And after the speakers, we relax and mingle and have a drink and settle some of the more pressing existential political questions of our age.

Why, for instance, are Chris Dodd’s eyebrows so deeply frightening? Can “Brownback” be used as a verb, and in what contexts?

See you tonight. And bring the kids. It’s an all-ages event.

the club