June 20th, 2009

VDB Will Daysie No More Forever

by Philip Baruth

For the last three years, we’ve come to you, our readers, hat in hand, and asked straight up for your vote in the Seven Days Daysie Awards. And for three years running, you voted us the Best Political Blog in Vermont. But this year things are different. Much different. We’ve already begun to ask your help with a long race for the State Senate from Chittenden County, to join our and to become one of the growing campaign’s first 100 donors, a group we call Barnraisers. Which is enough asking. So we won’t be asking for your vote in the Daysies this year. No.


Instead we’ll ask you to consider two other highly worthy and influential choices: Green Mountain Daily, in the category of Best Political Blog, and Candleblog, in the category of Best Non-Political Blog.

The folks at Green Mountain Daily have found a way to join heads-up citizen journalism with the best features of a community-style political blog: you get multiple points of view, as well as a devoted band of commentors, all of which makes for a consistent, bracing addition to your news day.

Bill Simmon, who runs the shop over at Candleblog, helped pioneer the blog format in Vermont, yet has managed to evolve and grow as the various constituent technologies have developed and changed. At once serious artist and uber-nerd, Bill does what he does with style and drive.

Thanks for considering these good folks who don’t get a dime for what they do. And thanks again, truly, for your votes the last three years. Very much appreciated.