March 22nd, 2007

The Obama Effect Spreading Rapidly Nationwide (That’s V4O For You And Me)

by Philip Baruth

No need to rehearse the fact that the 2008 cycle is moving at an incredibly rapid pace. You know it, and you know the major players at this point. And you also know that this site has been pulling behind Barack Obama for months, in an early, exploratory sort of way.

obama II, 2/10/07

Cut to hard-core organization. Fundraising reports are out at this end of this month, and all of the major Democratic campaigns are pushing like mad to raise money. But as much as money, they need muscle: people willing to provide early help. Lots of people.

The Obama campaign has called for a nationwide day of house parties on the 31st of March. They call it Community Kick-Off day. Obama will be at a party in Iowa, and the idea is to mirror that small, retail event with thousands of others around the country.

Vermonters for Obama (V4O) — the group established back in December in northern Vermont — has adopted two goals to coincide with Community Kick-Off Day. First, we’re looking to double our own email list, from 60+ to something over 120. Ambitious, but achievable, we think. Second, we want to shoot for 20 house parties in Vermont, gatherings registered with the Obama folks and tied in to the conference call that will go out at 3:00 pm on March 31.

It’s unbelievably easy. Go here: Once there, you’ll be able to click to sign up and create a profile.

Then you can search by Zip to find Vermonters for Obama, or go directly to:
On this actual group page, you just need to click the “Join Group” button in the upper left under the group name to add yourself (and to boost our group number), and then click to find our group, V4O.

I know: it’s early to commit. Not everyone’s there yet. But ask yourself this: are you far enough along in your thinking to give your email address? It’s a big step, of course, but not exactly selling your house.

Updates as the 31st draws near.

3 Responses to ' The Obama Effect Spreading Rapidly Nationwide (That’s V4O For You And Me) '

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  1. on March 22nd, 2007 at 7:09 pm

    […] As VDB says… No need to rehearse the fact that the 2008 cycle is moving at an incredibly rapid pace. You know it, and you know the major players at this point. And you also know that this site has been pulling behind Barack Obama for months, in an early, exploratory sort of way. […]

  2. on March 22nd, 2007 at 7:11 pm

    […] As VDB says… No need to rehearse the fact that the 2008 cycle is moving at an incredibly rapid pace. You know it, and you know the major players at this point. And you also know that this site has been pulling behind Barack Obama for months, in an early, exploratory sort of way. […]

  3. on March 23rd, 2007 at 4:08 pm

    […] 2) See the post below for the double Barack Obama challenges, timed to coincide with the national campaign’s Community Kick-off on March 31st. If you’ve yet to link arms with us, now’s the time: we have just a week left. […]