October 8th, 2008

The Brothers Boswell Cometh

by Philip Baruth

Publisher’s privilege, the occasional, once-a-year post about something unrelated to politics: my new novel, The Brothers Boswell, finally went up on today. The book won’t actually be released until Spring 2009, but at least the cover’s finished. And not too shabby a cover it is.

boz bros

And the breathless jacket copy is finished as well, apparently: “The year is 1763. Twenty-two-year-old James Boswell of Edinburgh is eager to advance himself in London society. Today his sights are set on furthering his acquaintance with Dr. Samuel Johnson, famed for his Dictionary; they are going to take a boat down the Thames to Greenwich. Watching them secretly is John Boswell, James’ younger brother. He has stalked his older brother for days. Consumed with envy, John is planning to take revenge on his brother and Johnson for presumed slights. He carries a pair of miniature pistols that fire a single golden bullet each, and there is murder in his heart.”

Damn! Now that’s tension. Sounds like McCain preparing for the second debate tonight, in fact.