June 6th, 2007

BREAKING: Turkey Sends “Limited” Invasion Force Into Northern Iraq

by Philip Baruth

For years now, the situation in Iraq has been a disaster, a debacle, a catastrophic series of mistakes and false assumptions. But never quite a SNAFU, an early twentieth-century acronym indicating that a situation was as fucked-up as it was possible to be fucked.

turkish troops

What was missing in Iraq? Iraq’s neighbors openly invading to secure their own pieces of the pie the neocons smashed.

But not to worry: Turkey, after massing a force nearly half the size of our own on Iraq’s border, just sent “several thousand” troops over the line, a mission Turkish leaders called “limited in scope.”

Which is problematic for the Bush administration, given its half-veiled ambition to withdraw into a peaceful Kurdistan in Northern Iraq.

At least the glitch in nomenclature has been smoothed out, however. No one in any corner of the globe can deny any longer that Iraq is, in fact, a SNAFU.

And of text-book quality, at that.

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  1. on October 10th, 2007 at 2:10 am

    […] Since late May, Turkish troops have been massing on the northern Iraqi border, and the Turkish government has been telegraphing a limited incursion, nominally to put down Kurdish rebels but clearly to firm up their general Iraq negotiating posture as well. […]