August 2nd, 2007

BREAKING: VERMONT DAILY BRIEFING PLUCKS SECOND DAYSIE; Publisher Vows to “Flush Thousands More Productive Hours Down Same Dark Freaking Blogospheric Hole” In 2008

by Philip Baruth

As luck would have it, I’m in Indiana today, but I wanted to take a few minutes here and now to thank all of you who again managed to boost VDB over the top in the 2007 Seven Days Readers Choice Awards. No doubt it’s a measure of the poverty of my own existence, but the vote of confidence means a great deal to me.

Thank you very, very much.


Congratulations to the inimitable Bill Simmon, whose Candleblog took the honors in the Best Vermont (Non-Political) Blog category. And to Green Mountain Daily and Eva Sollberger’s Stuck in Vermont, both of which finished in the money, and deservedly so.

And special thanks to Cathy Resmer, not only for running the Daysies, but for imagining and coaxing into being the Vermont blogosphere we all now so blithely inhabit.

One last crucial thing: if you’ve ever written to me through this blog, I’ve written you back, and in all likelihood we’ve fallen into some sort of correspondence.

Maybe regular, maybe fleeting, but something, in any event.

cheney's got a gunBut if you haven’t ever written, then I haven’t written you back, of course, because I have absolutely no way of knowing you’re there.

Which is to say, please consider writing.

I never, under any circumstances of any kind, compile the addresses into a mass list. Never. That’s a very firm policy, based on my own distaste for having my own address mishandled or bundled casually with hundreds of others.

Any email you get from me will be from me to you. Simple as that.

Feedback, tips, political history, gossip, it’s all good, and all confidential, unless you explicitly tell me otherwise.

And again, thank you from the bottom of my scarred political heart.