January 23rd, 2012

Odum To Run For Montpelier City Clerk, Now Vows “I Will Blog No More Forever”

by Philip Baruth

The Vermont blogosphere is a very small place, and yet also very empty in its way, like the attic storage space you never quite get around to using because it’s full of blown insulation and gray squirrel droppings. Still, it’s home for a handful of us, and we’ve stuck together over the years. Which is what makes it hard to say goodbye to one John Odum, who founded and popularized Green Mountain Daily, the state’s consistently best community-blogging site.

Odum fights off dog

Where is Odum going, you ask? Apparently he’s developed a substantial fire in his belly, and has launched a campaign for Montpelier City Clerk. You heard right.

Some things to note here: 1) rarely has a candidate for a Montpelier municipal office brought such a mix of policy chops and raw sexual magnetism to the table; 2) never has such a candidate entered the race with so many highly qualified surrogates; and 3) Odum makes it pretty clear that if he loses, he will — like Arnold Schwarzenegger in Terminator — Be Back.

VDB wishes him the very, very best of luck. Not that he’ll need it; here’s a guy who knows how to run a campaign. Only one hint in that area: get the tax returns out early, John. No one minds that you’ve amassed great personal wealth — it’s the cover-up they hate.

Partying post-primary: Annika, GMD’s John Odum, VDB, Nate Freeman (photo: Caoimhin Laochdha)

Text of press release to follow, and Godspeed:

John Odum to run for Montpelier City Clerk,
Step Down as Publisher of Green Mountain Daily

Green Mountain Daily founder and publisher John Odum has announced his intention to run for the position of Montpelier City Clerk - a position that is opening up due to the retirement of longtime Clerk and Treasurer Charlotte Hoyt. Odum has indicated that he will be stepping down from his position as Publisher of the political community blog, greenmountaindaily.com - a position he has held since starting the website six years ago.

If elected, he will also step down from his position as News Editor of The Bridge (although he intends to continue writing his weekly syndicated Statehouse column).

Odum believes that his professional expertise in technology — particularly databases — makes him a good fit for the position. “There are a lot of efficiencies that can be created - and possibly some money that can be saved for the city - by moving more of the City’s records into electronic format, and that sort of database work is something I have a lot of experience with,” Odum noted.

He added further, “After moving here 16 years ago, having two kids, and even being a Little League coach (which I never imagined I’d be doing), I’ve come to really, deeply love Montpelier and the people who live here. Being City Clerk will give me the opportunity to interact with, and be a part of, my community in a much deeper way than I ever have before - and that’s a really appealing prospect.”

Odum will continue posting and writing for The Bridge until Town Meeting Day. He has also indicated he will wait to see if any other candidates for the position emerge before deciding whether or not to open a bank account and assemble a campaign advisory team from supporters in the community.
