February 8th, 2012

Missouri, Minnesota, Colorado: Santorum Cruises That Old Mark Johnson Highway

by Philip Baruth

Pundits are absolutely agape with amazement this morning, because VDB’s ancient nemesis Rick Santorum managed to win not one, not two, but all three Republican primary match-ups last night. Our take? Nothing was easier to predict. Seriously, you think it’s some sort of accident that Santorum brings on Vermont’s own Mark Johnson as inner-circle svengali and almost immediately rockets from stumblebum to superstar? Not hardly, folks, not hardly.

A newly focused stump speech, freshly honed attack points, subtle wardrobe accents — all the hallmarks of Johnson’s handling.

And the final tell: Santorum’s new aggressiveness in attacking Romney looks very much to VDB like the effects of a complete and radical change in coffee — Santorum has clearly been switched from some no-name Pennsylvania grounds to straight black Vermont Coffee Company brew.

Wednesday morning take-away? The road to the Presidency might as well be called the Mark Johnson Memorial Parkway. Word.

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  1. Vermont Daily Briefing » Polls Shifting in Rick’s Favor Over Michigan Way: The Triumph of Santorum’s New Johnson said,

    on February 28th, 2012 at 7:36 pm

    […] Can Rick Santorum beat Mitt Romney in his home state of Michigan, even though Romney loves the trees and the houses and the streets and the cars of Michigan? The last wave of polling says Yes Rick Can — and we shouldn’t forget the hand of his new Vermont svengali in the mix. A solemn VDB vow: if Rick bloodies Mitt’s nose in Michigan, we’ll run the Santorum zombie-family photo tomorrow morning, by way of celebration. Deal? Deal. […]