August 17th, 2006

Dead Governors Re-Crash Blogosphere

by Philip Baruth

All’s well that end’s well: the Dead Governor’s discovered some site back-up, and have found a new Blogger location very much in keeping with the old. Email on this ominous case has been surprisingly strong: 1/3 conspiracy theories, 1/3 tech-based explanations of the hows and whys of a thief accessing Politics VT, and 1/3 sheer sympathy.

So only one loose end remains: the low-life thief. If it was some random boost-artist or identity-thief looking to make a quick 100$, then hell is clearly in the offing; if it was an ex-CIA operative working deep cover for the Agency, or the NSA, then his life is already hell, whether he knows it or not.

Of all the varieties of bad karma, bad cyber-karma is the baddest. Enough said.

Welcome back, Edna, Ira, Red, Jonas, and the rest of you deceased gubernatorial types.

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  1. on August 17th, 2006 at 10:51 pm

    […] UPDATE: Baruth’s reporting that the Dead Guvz are back up in a slightly new location. […]