September 7th, 2007

Okay, So Odum Doesn’t Like the Name, But Club Obama Will Still Party Like It’s 2009

by Philip Baruth

It is apparently the season for endorsements, even from the coldest-eyed strategists on the Left. Case in point: John Odum finally makes public his support for John Edwards, which has been apparent but sub rosa for the last six months or so.

And good for Odum.

me and odum

It’s past time to decide, especially for those who might prefer the White House to be occupied by neither Clintons nor Bushes come 2009. And John makes a long case for preferring Edwards to Obama, useful for those of you still rethinking those two options.

Of course, there is one place we differ substantially. Odum really, really dislikes the handle for Wednesday’s event at Club Metronome: Club Obama.

We, however, dig it. And we dig the line-up: appearances and endorsements by Attorney General Bill Sorrell, Treasurer Jeb Spaulding, former Burlington Mayor Peter Clavelle, and of course a cast of thousands.

the club

The Metronome, for out-of-towners, is located above Nectar’s on Main Street in Burlington. Doors open at 5, with the main event scheduled to get underway just about 6:30. Talk, music, drinks until 9 pm.

Think seriously about stopping in, especially if you missed last summer’s BBQ. A perfect time to talk and plot strategy.

And make no mistake: we plan to party like it’s 2009. January 20th, 2009, to be specific.