BREAKING: VDB Featured On “Late Night Saturday” With Tim Kavanagh 11/29
Like Vermont Yankee post-decommissioning, VDB is about to go into SafeStor mode for the holiday. But we wanted to give you a heads-up for this coming Saturday, the 29th, when we’ll be Tim Kavanagh’s guest on Late Night Saturday over at WCAX, Channel 3. The airs at 11:30 pm, and if you’ve never seen Tim work, imagine the brains of David Letterman packed into the brawn of Joe the Plumber. Add a crack production team, and the end result is devastating.
Special musical guest: bassist and all-around cult hero Aram Bedrosian. A recap of this election year, and much political humor, with more than a few of the sharper pokes directed at Douglas and Dubie.
What’s not to like?
Late Update, Sunday, November 30th, 12:06 pm:
Turns out this Late Night thing is all the rage: Pat Leahy will be taping an episode this Thursday, December 4, to coincide with his becoming Vermont’s longest serving US Senator.
If you want to be part of the action, for free tickets. Filmmaker David Giancola will be taping an episode that same night at 7, so if you’d like to be in the audience for both shows, show up at Champlain College’s Alumni Auditorium at about 6:40. If you just want to catch the Leahy spot, be there at 7:40.
The Leahy segment airs Saturday December 13.