September 2nd, 2011

Dan DeWalt Brings It One More Time: The Positively Charged Music Festival Comes To Amazing Planet Farm To Close Down VY

by Philip Baruth

At a certain point back in June of 1969, the question became: Dude — You heading out to Woodstock? Typically this question was followed by the question: What’s Woodstock? But by the end of August 1969, everyone in the nation knew their Woodstock. In 2011, in the state of Vermont, it’s more like this: Dude — you heading down to Amazing Planet Farm? What’s going on at Amazing Planet Farm? Glad you asked (as it gives this the flavor of a dialogue).

It’s called the Positively Charged Music Festival, and it features seven major Vermont bands: The Pulse Prophets from Burlington, The Eames Brothers Band from Montpelier, Simba, Mo Ambesa, and Clayton Sabine from Windham county, Shokazoba from Northampton, and High Fidelity with King I hailing out of New Hampshire.

And on Saturday, September 17, they’re all headed en masse to the lovely town of Newfane. Starts at 2 pm, ends at 8. (And if you believe that everything will be quiet by 8, VDB has some prime Florida real estate to show you.)

And the point of it all, in case we forgot to mention it? Shutting down Vermont Yankee.

All of this is the brainchild of activist Dan DeWalt, who has done more than his share to make Entergy’s last five years in the state of Vermont a very rough five years indeed.

Suffice it to say that this Music Festival isn’t the be all and end all of DeWalt’s strategy for the coming year. No, no. It’s only the beginning of what he’s calling a “people’s movement” to take “direct action to defend Vermont.”

Just another day VDB is glad not to be J. Wayne Leonard.