August 22nd, 2008

The Sweet Advantages of Incumbency: Dubie Rescues Kids from Castro Edition

by Philip Baruth

Always tough to run against an incumbent, but especially tough when they have the ability to pick up the phone and save a peck of Little League tykes from Castro’s evil clutches. The headline is ballot-box gold (”Dubie Helps Little Leaguers Get Home From Cuba”) but the article is even better: a single phone call from Dubie whips up a jet, pilots, flight attendants, peanuts and sodas to swoop in and rescue a Little League team stranded in Cuba by Hurricane Faye.

Dubie, hard at work

Absolutely tailor-made. Dubie also works for the airline in question; that and the fact that he moonlights as Lieutenant Governor apparently did the trick.

But the number one reason why Dubie lucked out here? He was actually at his desk, when the call came in. And what are the chances of that, when you think about it?