December 23rd, 2008

Now Why Didn’t VDB Think Of That (Now With Semaphoric Inaugural Update)

by Philip Baruth

Clear-headed reader Jill suggests a delicious layering of the Rick Warren dispute. “It occurs to me,” writes Jill, “that Obama could mix up the pot even further by asking the gay Episcopal Bishop [Gene Robinson] to share the stage with Warren.” A brilliant idea: after all his spin about inclusivity and offering donuts to the gays, Warren would have no choice but to grin and bear it. So to speak.

Late Update, Monday, December 29, 12:44 pm:

An anonymous reader writes in with another choice response to the high-profile role of the good Reverend Warren: Inaugural semaphore.

“My response to the unfortunate presence of Rick Warren will be to proudly flash my rainbow scarf (ordered today online) as I stand up and turn my back to bigotry during the invocation. I ordered a few extra in case any other Vermont attendees who consider themselves allies and supporters of marriage equality might want one.

“The idea of having Rev. Gene Robinson play a role as well, is pretty good — if the idea is inclusiveness. But, personally, I’d rather there was no religion in this state ceremony at all. Talk about establishment.”

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  1. Vermont Daily Briefing » VDB Readers, In Addition To Being Slightly More Attractive Than Those of Other Blogs, Can More Or Less Read The Future Too said,

    on January 14th, 2009 at 1:16 am

    […] Look, we don’t want to make it seem as though VDB’s readers can do no wrong but you’ll remember back on December 23rd, when the Rick Warren push-back was raging, Jill wrote in to suggest that Obama should hook up openly gay bishop Gene Robinson for the Inauguration ceremonies, thereby wedging Warren between a rock and a hard-Right base. Well, done deal: Robinson is now on the bill, and apparently Jill is the person to go to for all future Powerball picks. […]