March 27th, 2009

Palin Hits Team McCain Square in Bible

by Philip Baruth

You know, it’s a good afternoon for us here at VDB if Sarah Palin comes out and, for no apparent reason, sucker punches the McCain staff, usually over some emotional paper cut stemming from the failed 2008 election campaign. We’re not picky, though; we also like it a lot when McCain folk, including daughter Meghan, stage a rhetorical drive-by on Clan Palin. It’s all good.

But frankly, it’s most pleasurable for us if the terms of the diss are exclusively and impenetrably Republican, and hence utterly indecipherable to a New England Democrat.

It’s like watching out the window of a train passing through a foreign station, as two people argue over something you’ve never seen, in a language you’ll never know. Palin’s latest burn on the McCain folk? No one in the group she’d feel comfortable with praying in public:

“So I’m looking around for somebody to pray with, I just need maybe a little help, maybe a little extra,” she said. “And the McCain campaign, love ‘em, you know, they’re a lot of people around me, but nobody I could find that I wanted to hold hands with and pray.” As the crowd laughed, Palin grinned and said she meant no disrespect to the McCain campaign. She said she ultimately prayed with her daughter Piper.

Beautiful. VDB is at an utter loss. How does one go about picking public prayer partners, or rejecting them for that matter? Do you mean to tell us that there wasn’t one poor soul in the entire McCain camp who could be counted on to close his or her eyes and squeeze the candidate’s hands meaningfully for the cameras? Are we supposed to believe the McCainites are all Serpents, agents of the Evil One?

Oh, right. Carry on.