Only McKibben Can Endorse At 200 MPH
We’ve talked a lot in this campaign so far about thinking ahead, and getting out early — both politically, and in terms of policy. Lagging in either area leads to, well, losing. Just received the following endorsement from one Bill McKibben, a guy internationally renowned for seeing around the diciest curves, curves that won’t appear for several decades.
“Philip Baruth has been out in front since at least the day he helped to bring the Obama campaign to Vermont, way before most folks had figured out what was going on. In Montpelier he’ll hopefully be able to break the legislature out of the same round of battles, and get people focusing on the deep questions — like food and energy self-sufficiency — that will determine Vermont’s future.”
Very kind words, and much appreciated, especially since McKibben managed to send them while zapping from Berlin to Munich via high-speed rail.
Tausend dank, Mr. McKibben.