Is Mark Sanford An Even Worse Parser Than John Edwards or Bill Clinton? Depends What The Meaning of Is Is
Is Governor Mark Sanford capable of speaking or writing a line of prose that does not reveal him to be an even more mendacious and desperate hair-splitter than we’d previously believed? It always depends, of course, what the meaning of is is. But doubtful. Today’s proof is in the press release, speaking to his use of state funds to visit the South American mistress. Read it and weep, Bill Clinton and John Edwards:
“While the purpose of this trip was an entirely professional and appropriate business development trip, I made a mistake while I was there in meeting with the woman who I was unfaithful to my wife with.”
Not just “professional” but — unfaithful non-wife sleeping mistake aside — “entirely professional and appropriate.” Brilliant. Just brilliant. This guy’s a keeper, on the Palin comedic level.
Mark VDB’s words.
on July 4th, 2009 at 1:44 am
[…] But we can’t help but ask the obvious. Is this a reaction to our saying casually, in passing in a post last week, that Mark Sanford was capable of absurdist political theater “at the Palin comedic level. Mark VDB’s words”?? […]