September 28th, 2009

Hope You Can Make This Party Tonight

by Philip Baruth

A last reminder about our kick-off party for the 2o10 State Senate campaign: tonight, Tuesday September 29, 6-9 pm, at Nectar’s. Everyone is welcome, and not just welcome, but very cordially invited. If you’re a regular reader of this site, you and I have spent quite a lot of time together in the last four years, and I’ve invited you to more than a few political events. But this one is special. Very special.

Not just because suddenly my own political butt is on the line, although there is that, of course. But no, this party is special because we all know for a fact now that we’re out to design the post-Douglas era this cycle, and it’s high time we started putting our heads together on that.

Hope to see you there, alone or with your posse. And many thanks to Bailey Cummings, ace photographer.