January 28th, 2010

Madame Speaker, The State Of Our Current State Senate Fundraising Drive Is Strong (But Could Be A Bit Stronger, Of Course)

by Philip Baruth

An update on the fundraising push we launched on Monday. As it stands, we’re on pace to raise about half of what we set as a goal: if contributions continue at the same rate we’ll reach about $2,500 by February 10, rather than the $4,800 we were hoping to see. But this is America, after all, and failure is still not an option. The State Senate race is too important, this year of all years, and we’ve come too far.

So as a way to help pick up the pace, we’ll make you this offer: for every donation over $25 made between now and Monday morning, we’ll send a copy of The Dream of the White Village, a long-ago novel about dirty politics in a small, charming city in northern New England called Burlington, Vermont.

Are these copies rare, out-of-print collector’s items?

Um, sure.

But in any event, we will inscribe them to order, making them perfect Valentine’s Day gifts. Or if not perfect Valentine’s gifts, then at least gift-horses which cannot be looked in the mouth. Here’s the Act Blue link, which is fast, easy, and utterly secure.

Thanks in advance, if you can help.