February 23rd, 2010
“No on Yankee” Tour Hits Winooski
What to do on the eve of the State Senate’s historic vote on relicensing Vermont Yankee? If you’re Jim Douglas or Jay Thayer, you’ll be hunkered down in a dark living room, phone disconnected, watching old reruns of “Matlock” and binging on chocolate pretzels and Rocky Road ice cream. If you support retiring the plant on schedule, do something more productive: join us in Winooski tonight at 7 pm, for an informative, high-energy panel on the Yankee question.
Where? The O’Brien Center, 32 Mallets Bay Avenue, Winooski. VDB will be in the house, as will Senate President Shumlin and a cast of political heavies. [This event will also be fully Gundersenized, with both Arnie and Maggie on hand for maximum tag-team expert action.]