If You’ve Been Following This Campaign From the Southern End Of The State, We Are Now Homing In On Your Coordinates
Where do you go to celebrate the historic vote to shut down Vermont Yankee yesterday? And where do you go to game out a way to counter Entergy’s inevitable comeback narrative (we fixed the pipes, we fired the suits, we come bearing cheap power, we’re sorry and tanned and ready to give you twenty more years of megawatts)? The place where the movement began: the Southern end of the state.
Brattleboro, to be exact.
So just a reminder about tomorrow for the Southerners among you: the State Senate campaign will be headed to Brattleboro tomorrow morning, February 26, for a celebration and fundraiser at the Flat Street Brew Pub (6 Flat Street), from 4-6 pm.
That’s Flat Street Pub, 4-6 pm, 2/26. We’ll also be doing the entire Live and Local show with talk-giant Steve West tomorrow from 9 to noon. Which means we’ll be getting up tomorrow morning . . . just a few minutes before we fall asleep.
See you at Flat Street. Bring friends. Aloha.