February 27th, 2010

Let The Endorsements Continue: Ward 2, Joint Kranichfeld/Berezniak Edition

by Philip Baruth

No way to know where the energy will gravitate in any given election cycle, which of a handful of Burlington City Council races will heat up or cool down. This time out? Ward 2 is well worth watching, for several reasons. First, Bram Kranichfeld, a criminal prosecutor with the Chittenden County State’s Attorney’s office, is stepping into politics for the first time. Kranichfeld’s specialty is the Drug Court, and how to deal with the web of problems around addiction.

Prosecutors tend to do well with voters, because they don’t have to struggle to convey strength on crime and security issues. But like T.J. Donovan, Bram represents a nice mix of tough-on-crime and drug treatment expertise. Killer combination. [Bram pictured left; Erin right; good dog below.]

Add to that his first-hand experience with zoning, taxes, municipal bonds and finances, and you’ve essentially engineered the ideal city councilor.

Why else is Ward 2 currently too hot to handle? Someone is trying to tank Councilor Dave Berezniak’s excellent shot at re-election.

Berezniak sent out a press release today, saying that an “aggressive and rude” male caller has been calling around the Ward, posing as an obnoxious Berezniak supporter, with the obvious aim of turning off otherwise sympathetic voters. And that ain’t cricket, no matter the candidate. But in this case, it couldn’t happen to someone who deserves it less: Berezniak has been one of the quiet forces behind providing free wireless in Burlington’s downtown area. A wonderful idea, and one which should be a no-brainer, but isn’t, unfortunately.

Painfully ironic, that last line, given that VDB is currently typing over the free wireless network that Brattleboro provides throughout their own downtown.

In any event, watch Ward 2. And if you vote there, we heartily endorse both Bram and Dave Berezniak: both what City Councilors should be.