June 2nd, 2010

Maybe The Sweetest Deal Of The Day (Now With The Eagle Has Landed #1000 Update!)

by Philip Baruth

Okay, here’s the thing. We’re at 990 supporters on the and that means we need 10 more to be completely happy on a day like today. On the other hand, it’s summer, and that means you need beach reading material to be completely happy on a day like today. So, the deal: hook up 4 or 5 new supporters for us by 5 pm, drop a line at with your address, and we’ll send you a signed copy of The Brothers Boswell, just out in paperback. Oh, and a free copy for whoever turns out to be #1000 too. Love it when a plan comes together.

Eagle Has Landed Late Update, Thursday, 2:43 pm:

We crossed the four-digit mark this morning, thanks to one Sarah Lyons of Burlington, who will be shipped a copy of The Brothers Boswell whether she wants one or not. Thanks to everyone who has made this Facebook page a success over the past year, but most notably Selene Colburn, social media visionary, who conceived the page, the strategy, and who has probably personally recruited half the people on it.

That’s vision. That’s dedication.

And of course that’s another way to increase the amount of time Facebook sucks from your life. But such are the times in which we live. Thanks again, Sarah and Selene.