July 10th, 2010

Don’t Forget: Live Music From Unusual Suspects Saturday the 10th at the St. John’s Club to Benefit The State Senate Campaign

by Philip Baruth

Back in 2007, I decided to begin profiling VDB readers, so that other VDB readers could enjoy reading about people very much like themselves, people who also wanted to see Karl Rove frogmarched out of the White House. And so to begin, I picked a longtime reader named Colleen McLaughlin, who had written a series of long, sharp emails about the perils of Bush-era foreign policy. Scathing, detailed, hilarious emails.


Turns out that Colleen is also a singer in a rock and roll band, believe it or not, and when I announced that I was running for the State Senate, she offered to rope in the band for a gig to benefit the campaign.

Were we overjoyed? You betcha.

And all of that pre-planning comes to fruition tomorrow night, when Colleen’s band Unusual Suspects at the St. John’s Club, on the lake in Burlington, 7 pm, with the $10 cover charge to benefit Baruth 2010. And these folks rock, from what we understand. If you’re free, we’d love to see you, and talk about the sprint to August 24th.

Oh, and apparently the band covers Train’s “Hey Soul Sister.” So the event’s got that going for it too, which is nice.