July 23rd, 2010

“Long Race”: The New Campaign Film

by Philip Baruth

Just about to get ready and head over to tonight’s benefit at the Main Street Landing Black Box Theater in Burlington. We start at 7 pm, so if you’re reading this, and you’re within a half hour drive, you could still at least theoretically make it. If you drove like an insane person. If you let nothing stand in your way. But if you can’t, I wanted to share Bill Simmon’s new campaign film with you, the film we’ll be debuting tonight. It’s called “Long Race,” and it’s dedicated to my mother, Diane Fountain. Love you very much, Mom.

Hope you all like it.

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  1. on August 4th, 2010 at 9:21 pm

    […] And to the folks at House of Lemay, winners of the Best Vermont Non-Political Blog category, and Bill Simmon’s Candleblog, runner-up in that category. (Astute readers will remember Bill as director of the campaign’s excellent new campaign film, “Long Race.”) […]