December 14th, 2010

When You’ve Got Halliburton’s Deep Pockets, The Whole Dang World Starts To Look Like Sunshine and Lollipops

by Philip Baruth

You’ll remember that Nigeria recently announced it would issue criminal bribery charges against former VP Dick Cheney, and call for his arrest on same. Halliburton was also implicated in the charges, and its spin-off KBR. Today comes word that Halliburton has reportedly offered to “settle the charges” with Nigeria, for a cool $250 million. cheney's got a gunWhich is sweet enough, but the deal got even sweeter when Nigeria quickly emailed VDB, offering us a 15% stake in the $250 million settlement, if we will take a couple of simple steps, like set up a US bank account and “prime” the account with $1000 on our end. So everybody wins. Now if Halliburton can manage to buy off the folks down in Brattleboro, get Cheney’s charges there dropped, and loop us in on that deal, we’ll be willing to consider the Bush era formally ended. Except that Obama will continue his tax and eavesdropping policies. But still. Sitting pretty.