March 16th, 2011

The New Operative Question Post-Japan

by Philip Baruth

Without approval from the Legislature for a license re-extension, Entergy’s last, best hope for continuing to operate Vermont Yankee was the Good Neighbor gambit: a charm offensive, backed by ubiquitous but easygoing PR, depicting the company as a hard-working, rule-following corporate citizen. Granted, it was always going to be a heavy lift to maintain this highly burnished image while still fighting the State of Vermont in court over jurisdiction in the re-licensing matter. But imagine now, post-Japan — where reactors are at this writing still exploding, melting down and otherwise going rogue — imagine now that Entergy, which operates a plant of the same make and generation as those disintegrating in Japan, stiff-arms the Legislature and insists on continuing operations over the clear statutory objection of the State Senate? Ever have a neighbor like that?

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  1. Kyle Nopeman said,

    on May 14th, 2011 at 10:58 am

    Беспроигрышный ответ ;)

    Granted, it was always going to be a heavy lift to [….