April 19th, 2011

Our Good Neighbor Entergy Louisiana Files Suit, In Defiance of Vermont Legislature; Fate Of The State Now In The Hands Of Attorney General; Cyberdyne Terminators Enter Time-Stream Right On Schedule

by Philip Baruth

If you’ve read VDB for any stretch of time, Entergy’s announcement yesterday of a lawsuit against the state of Vermont should come as no surprise. We’ve said for years that litigation would, as a matter of course, figure strongly in the Louisiana giant’s endgame. To repurpose some of the better lines from Terminator: this is what nuclear power companies do. It’s all they do.

And neither is it a question as to whether Vermonters will organize resistance to this seemingly unstoppable and now openly hostile Machine. We have been organized for years, and no one we know is planning to cease resistance any time soon.

No, the only pressing question now is whether the person who has to take the lead for us at this point can truly take us all the way, without being taken out along the way.

Which means, VDB supposes, that it’s now time to send an expedition time-traveling back to the early 1960’s, to stand guard over a disarmingly bookish 15-year-old kid who is suddenly the key to the entire struggle.

A kid named, yes, Billy Sorrell.