August 24th, 2011

McKibben Beats The Rap, Freed From Jail; Vermont to Send Next Wave of Protesters to DC, But Your Help (And Dough) Needed

by Philip Baruth

So Bill McKibben, arrested with the first wave of XL Pipeline protesters in DC, has finally been cut loose. He was in for three days, was McKibben, and they fed him — wait for it — only bologna sandwiches, “one every twelve hours.” Oh, and the prisoners slept on stainless steel shelves “with no bedding.” Why go through this voluntarily? It has to do with a “1,500-mile fuse to the biggest carbon bomb on the continent, a way to make it easier and faster to trigger the final overheating of our planet,” and we covered it all here.

The big question is this: will you attend tomorrow night’s fundraiser at Mainstreet Landing in Burlington, to help fund the next wave of protesters? And to avenge the bolognying of Vermont’s most respected environmental activist?

Let’s do this thing.