From One Professor To Another, Elizabeth
Don’t get VDB wrong: we’d like to dump Scott Brown and retain the Democratic Senate majority as much as the next snarky Left-of-Center political blog. But is it our imagination or is Elizabeth Warren a tad undisciplined on the stump? Recent case in point: her attempt not simply to support but to take credit for the Occupy Wall Street protests. Said Warren to the Daily Beast, “I created much of the intellectual foundation for what they do.”
Let’s say you’re broadly in opposition to OWS — Warren is now the poster child for riots in the street. And if any of the protests result in burned cruisers or smashed shop windows, all bets are off.
Or let’s say you’re broadly in support of OWS — Warren sounds like the worst sort of thunder-stealing politician, claiming at least intellectual ownership from the comfort of her padded studio seat.
And to anyone of any persuasion it has more than a hint of conceit, more than a touch of Gore/Internet. Which of course makes it that much easier for a guy like Scott Brown to give a shucksy smile and win by 4%.
Enough to sour your dreams.