Scudder Parker/VDB Meet-up: Reminder
Just a quick reminder of the Scudder Parker/VDB meet-up this Wednesday, the 26th, from 4:30-6:30 in the Community Room of the Fletcher Free Library, beautiful downtown Burlington.
The Governor’s race will move from second to fourth gear in the next month or so, and it’s always good to know the guy driving the car. Stop by and say hello to Scudder, and take his measure.
And at the same time you can register your concerns about VDB. Not enough Cheney caricatures? You’d like us to give up sleep entirely, to allow George Bush and Donald Rumsfeld to be rhetorically pummelled 24/7 rather than 19/7? We’re willing to dicker!
And by the way, a snarky insider political blog is only as good as its intelligence. We always need people who are willing to drop a dime on the bad guys.
Email, tips, story pitches, and sheer unfounded speculations are always welcome at VDB.
Your identity protected at all costs.
Humint, they call it at the CIA. We call it the food of the gods. See you Wednesday.