July 26th, 2006

Bush, Malaki Unveil Newest New Security Plan, Which is Pretty Darn New

by Philip Baruth

From the Times this morning:

“Obviously, the violence in Baghdad is still terrible, and therefore there needs to be more troops,” Mr. Bush said at the news conference, held in the East Room after a morning meeting with Mr. Maliki in the Oval Office. “Our military commanders tell me that this deployment will better reflect the current conditions on the ground in Iraq.”

Old Plan: Push the meme that things are getting ever better in Iraq, in spite of a coordinated campaign by the left-wing media to bury all the good news there; maintain that we have precisely enough troops in-country to maintain order, and add that commanders on the ground can have more soldiers whenever they give a whistle; make it clear to commanders on the ground that their careers are effectively over the first time they give a whistle.

New Plan: Punt and pray.