July 31st, 2006

Franken Update: Harold Ramis on Board

by Philip Baruth

A quick update to the breaking Franken/Coleman news we reported on Friday (Coleman´s 81-year-old father caught having public sex in a late-model sedan outside a Minnesota pizza joint — you know, the usual): turns out Franken’s political PAC has logged about half a million in contributions while we were watching the Rainville meltdown in Vermont’s US House race.

Very interesting, indeed.

According to the piece in the StarTribune, this cash can’t be used to fund Franken’s own run. But it can certainly till the ground. From the Trib:

“Some of the notable campaign contributions made by people in the entertainment industry to Al Franken’s political action committee.

Jimmy Smits, actor, $500

Aaron Sorkin, writer, $1,000

Barbra Streisand, entertainer, $500

Larry Hagman, actor, $555

Larry David, writer/actor/director, $5,000

Ronald Bass, screenwriter, $5,000

Nora Ephron, writer/director, $5,000

Christopher Guest, director, $500

Barry Levinson, director/writer/producer, $5,000

David Mandel, movie/TV writer/director, $5,000

Robert Nathan, “Law & Order” executive director, $5,000

Judy McGrath, MTV Networks chairman & CEO, $1,000

Lorne Michaels, writer/producer, $2,000

Harold Ramis, director, $4,700 in-kind contribution (hosted fundraiser

Source: Campaign finance reports”

Bestill VDB’s foolish heart: Lorne Michaels, Barry Levinson, and Harold Ramis, together, backing one longshot bid for Senate? The creators of Saturday Night Live, Diner and Ground Hog Day all back the same comedian, and somehow this isn’t going to be gut-bustingly funny?

Dream on, Norm Coleman. Here’s your future: You become the butt of every late night comic in America, then you lose your seat, then you fall into a spiral of self-loathing, and before long, you’re cruising chicks and downing 40’s with the old man, outside a run-down Caesar’s Pizza in St. Cloud.