September 25th, 2006

Announcing The Harvest Workshop

by Philip Baruth

I’ve always thought it would be nice to run my own writers’ workshop, without the University or any another organization acting as middle-man.

I’ve always thought it would be ideal to do it in the fall, when the leaves have turned, and you could group the participants around a fire, somewhere way off campus, maybe on the water somewhere.

And in my mind, I’ve always thought of it as a yearly event, interwoven with the theme of the harvest.

the harvest writers workshop

Now, all of the sudden, the pieces have fallen into place somehow, and I thought I’d let VDB readers know first, before it’s advertised elsewhere.

The Harvest Fiction Writers Workshop will begin operation this year, and I’ll be leading it at the Rock Point Conference Center on Lake Champlain the weekend of October 20-22nd.

Ideally, participants will have a complete draft of a short story — or a finished first chapter of a novel — and I’ll distribute these to the rest of the workshop by mail. For the 2 1/2 days of the retreat, then, we’ll focus on finishing and polishing those pieces, and the workshop will conclude on Sunday with actually putting work in the mail.

In short, the weekend is designed to move fiction writers through the last stages of the writing process, the surprisingly tough work involved with “harvesting” the fruits of their labors to this point. The group will be limited to 14; one place is already reserved.

One dinner, one lunch, snacks and a fireplace will be included. And the view of the lake from the conference room is spectacular.

If interested, email me at for more details.

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  1. on September 29th, 2006 at 11:06 pm

    […] Details here. […]