October 25th, 2006

Martha to Rainvilles: You’ll Never Eat Lunch in Franklin County Again, Punks

by Philip Baruth

It’s the small details — the attitude indicators — that give you real insight into most races during the final days. Winners feel like winners, and act it; losers not so much.

And it shows in the most miniscule things.

martha hearts georgeCase in point: “Rainvilles for Welch.” This past Monday Welch took Pat Leahy and the road show up to Franklin County, to the East Georgia farm of Gilles and Claudette Rainville — good Welch supporters both.

A cute move — technically a political fillip — but one clearly coming from a position of some confidence. And according to a small but scrappy news organization called Franklin One, Welch performed much to the “large crowd’s delight.”

End of story. Except that Martha wasn’t amused, and, of course, isn’t currently in a position of much confidence. And so she did what a former Adjutant General does when she’s down ten points and a tad miffed: she called the Rainvilles and pitched a hissy.

VDB’s sources report that Martha told the Rainvilles in no uncertain terms that they were “invalidating” their surname, by showing public support for Welch.

A concept around which it took us several moments to get our heads. Especially given that “Rainville” is Martha’s name by marriage — first marriage — not by birth.

As we said, the little things. Which is of course not to downplay the significance of the extremely huge things, like Dennis Hastert.