December 19th, 2006

Who Benefits with Indiana’s Evan Bayh Out? One Guess, Baby, One Guess

by Philip Baruth

Who wins big with Evan Bayh out of the running? According to Chris Cillizza over at The Post’s best blog The Fix, that would be — right, Obama.

obama, pensiveWhy? Well, as Woody Allen once said, stay with us on this, because it’s brilliant. [Photo courtesy of VDB wingman, Don Shall]

According to Cillizza, the logic runs thusly:

1) A candidate needs 50$ million to look serious about a run, 2) Obama is starting more or less from scratch, and 3) Obama’s Illinois fundraising territory overlapped more than a bit with Bayh’s Indiana base of operations.

Ipso facto, no Bayh means more bread for Obama.

Which is more than a bit ridiculous, especially coming from someone as solid as Cillizza: geography is the least of Obama’s worries, and will continue to be. He will not be limited to traditional political spheres of influence should he decide to run.

Obama will coin money, from all corners of the country, indeed the globe.

Still, you have to love the buzz, cheap and wrong though it may be.

Speaking of which, keep an eye on, as it should bear fruit any time now. The good Lord willing, of course.