December 20th, 2006

VDB Acquires High-Level Photojournalist; And Let’s Check In On Middlebury’s Bernie Sanders Send-Off, Shall We?

by Philip Baruth

It is with great fanfare that VDB announces the acquisition of yet another highly talented, regrettably unpaid photo-journalist, Cornwall’s own Don Shall.

bernie, doing his thing

Bidding was heavy between VDB and several other major blogs who also couldn’t pay Don a freaking dime. In the end, it was our benefits package that tipped the scale: we list our photographers under “Site Credits” on the sidebar.

So Don has that going for him, which is nice.

Above and below you’ll find Don’s take on the Middlebury Bernie Send-Off. We’d add only one thing to these images, because they speak admirably for themselves.

Take a look at the guy in the photo above, the one with the white hair and thick glasses. That would be Bernard Sanders, who recently defeated a multi-millionaire for a seat in the United States Senate.

Bernie is in — as in as it’s possible to be, shy of the White House — for the next six years.

And where is he? Conducting town hall events in tiny venues on his way out of the state. Does anyone believe, even for an instant, that Rich Tarrant would be listening to you, or to me, or to anyone, really, if he were the one shuffling off to D.C.?

We thought not. Bring it home, Don.

the irony of it all