February 26th, 2007

Schwarzenegger Not Pissed He Can’t Run For President. Seriously. He’s Not. Seriously.

by Philip Baruth

Schwarzenegger has been an interesting political phenomenon to watch: initially tentative about running, then crushing Gray Davis, then governing from the Right, being crushed himself, banking hard Left, and now governing as, well, Gray Davis.


And of course, the Governator is term-limited. Which puts a little extra snap in his media interviews. Case in point: a recent sit-down with Politico.com.

The juicy bits? The guy’s got his eye on a Senate seat, the highest he can go in Washington, the Constitution being what it is currently. And his wife is not going anywhere politically, if Arnold has anything to say about it.

Oh, and he’s not pissed that he can’t run for President. So not pissed, in fact, that he offers the following unprompted nugget to close the interview, apropos of nothing but his own inner sound-track:

“Remember one thing: You will never hear me complain that I can’t run for president. I look at the things I was able to do rather than the things I am not able to do. I am very, very happy about how America has received me and the kind of things I was able to accomplish here.”

Illuminating word choice: You’ll never hear me complain that I can’t run for president.

Until he wriggles into the Senate, that is. Then VDB suspects we just might hear a complaint or two.

Oh yes. Bet that.