February 27th, 2007

Hard to Call This News, But Whatever

by Philip Baruth

Of course this cycle is off to a particularly early start, but shouldn’t we be at least a year out from the perennial break-in at Democratic Party HQ?

shades of watergate

WCAX scoops the nation:

CONCORD, N.H. Concord (New Hampshire) police say someone broke into the state Democratic Party headquarters over the weekend.

Party chairwoman Kathy Sullivan says some things were taken. She declined to be specific, but said there was no indication that any personal financial information was taken, nothing that would be a problem for any party activists or donors.

Rudy Giuliani, looking to destroy of himself in drag, being fondled by Donald Trump? Romney, looking to destroy that video of himself running to the Left of Ted Kennedy on gay rights back in the day?

Or something deeper, more nuanced. That’s right: Big Joe Lieberman, just looking to break every stick of furniture in the place.

More as details warrant.

4 Responses to ' Hard to Call This News, But Whatever '

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  1. Vermont Daily Briefing » Davenport Obama Office Burglarized; Thieves Driven by Insatiable Thirst for Campaign Literature said,

    on July 8th, 2007 at 9:50 pm

    […] When was the last time you heard of a Republican campaign office being burglarized? Exactly. […]

  2. on July 8th, 2007 at 9:55 pm

    […] When was the last time you heard of a Republican campaign office being burglarized? Exactly. […]

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