July 14th, 2007

BREAKING NEWS: Weather Experts Predict Sunny, Clear Skies for Sunday’s BBQ, After A Morning That Will Try the Faith of Even the Hardest-Core Political Junkies

by Philip Baruth

We’re tracking the weather here with every technology at our command, and the upshot for tomorrow is this: clouds and rain through the morning hours, clearing and brightening as clouds move eastward around noon.

Sun thereafter. Amen.

here comes the sun

In short, don’t panic if you wake up and hear rain plashing in the gutters. The sunshine is on the way. Keep your head. Pack up the car as planned, make a bee-line for North Beach.

And when you hit the sand, look north, and ride to the sound of the guns.

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  1. on July 17th, 2007 at 2:29 am

    […] In fact, the day before the BBQ, I went so far as to throw up a last-minute post, assuring everyone who’d be traveling to the event that the sun would be strong and undeniable by the time they hit the sand. […]