September 19th, 2007

Someone Is Reaching Out and Touching St. Johnsbury Lawyer With Client at Gitmo

by Philip Baruth

As states go, Vermont has fairly good reason to doubt the Administration’s word on suspension of civil liberties: Vermont-based Quakers and anti-war organizations were targeted by the Pentagon under their now-infamous TALON program (Threat and Local Observation Notices).


But those suspicions intensify markedly when you’re representing a Guantanamo detainee, and your phone suddenly goes batshit.

VPR’s John Dillon has of St. Johnsbury lawyer Bob Gensburg, just your average crusading defense attorney suddenly beset by all of the tell-tale signs of electronic eavesdropping: dead lines, buzzing sounds, and VDB’s favorite, lines “literally crossed.”

It’s cloak-and-dagger stuff, with the emphasis currently on the cloak, but with the dagger always theoretically in play. Check out the audio today.

It won’t make your lunch sit any easier, but then that’s the point. Well done, John.

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  1. Vermont Daily Briefing » Slippery Slope Gets Slipperier For St. Johnsbury Lawyer with Gitmo Client said,

    on October 12th, 2007 at 8:29 pm

    […] About a month ago, we brought you the story of Bob Gensburg, a St. Johnsbury lawyer representing a Guantanamo detainee. Just around the time he took the detainee’s case, Gensburg noticed that his phone suddenly seemed to be serving another master. […]