March 19th, 2008

PANIC GRIPS VERMONT BLOGOSPHERE; FREYNELAND DOWN, WITH 802 ONLINE FOLLOWING IN RAPID SUCCESSION; Cyber-Junkies Spark Run on Digital Bank; Rioting in Burlington; Ben & Jerry’s Aflame; Oh, The Humanity, The Humanity!

by Philip Baruth

Tectonic shifts underway at Seven Days. Apparently something’s gotten into the water down on South Champlain Street: Peter Freyne announced this morning that he’s written the last Inside Track, and meta-blogger extraordinaire Cathy Resmer pulled the plug on 802 Online, the area’s first and best resource on the Vermont blogosphere.

A perfect storm of loss, although both Peter and Cathy say they’ll be available here and there, in other 7D formats. We’ll trust and take them at their words. Because cold turkey is a brutal thing.
