June 19th, 2008

Total Swedish Information Awareness

by Philip Baruth

VDB hates it when that happens: Sweden’s right-leaning government pushes through unprecedented eavesdropping legislation, allowing officials to sift all telephone and email traffic for “sensitive keywords.” Which is generally troubling, but more specifically so when your wife is a Swede who spends 10 or 20 hours a week phoning home. Silver lining? The Moderates are tanking in the polls there. This should guarantee their ouster. And good riddance.

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  1. on July 20th, 2008 at 6:45 pm

    […] When you click into VDB, you have a right to information, and not just cursory facts, but deep, in-depth reportage. So when we reported on the Swedish government’s passage of a disturbing package of anti-terror legislation a few weeks back, we knew that a single post could never do the issue justice. […]